21 Day Fix Results Week 2

I just completed my second week of the 21 Day Fix. It was a really tough week, and I was worried that my 21 Day Fix results would be compromised. Here’s what happened and a little more about the program. Plus be sure to check out the Ultimate 21 Day Fix Resource Guide.

The 21 Day Fix review. Does it work? What are the workouts like? What about 21 Day Fix results? Your questions are answered in this post.| The Bewitchin' Kitchen

Last week I discussed my food choices for the 21 Day Fix. This week I’m happy to say I added a few more options to my food (including Turkey Chili [1 red and 1 yellow] and Cream of Broccoli Soup [1 blue and 1 yellow]).

This week, I wanted to write more about the workouts. Every day there is a 30-minute workout for you to complete. 30 minutes, 7 days a week (Sundays are an active recovery day with yoga).

30 minutes is 2% of your day.

21 Day Fix Lucious Legs. Here is an example on what you will find with The 21 Day Fix. This leg workout is killer! Does it work? What are the workouts like? What about 21 Day Fix results? Your questions are answered in this post.| The Bewitchin' Kitchen

Helpful supplies for 21 Day Fix:

I have included affiliate links for your convenience.

21 Day Fix Workouts

The 21 Day Fix review. Does it work? What are the workouts like? What about 21 Day Fix results? Your questions are answered in this post.| The Bewitchin' Kitchen

Day 1 – Total Body Cardio Fix: I think this is the most difficult workout of the whole program, so I like that fact that it’s first. I can do it and get on with my week. With this workout you will need a heavy and a light set of weights (or a resistance band, which is provided if you purchase a challenge pack). In thirty minutes, there is cardio strength and a core workout. You get a total body workout and trust me – you will feel it over the next few days.

Day 2 – Upper Fix: With Upper Fix you are hitting multiple muscle groups of your upper body at the same time. I workout I always enjoy doing is bicep curls, and there isn’t any – so that disappoints me a little. There are hammer curls, turned into a shoulder press but it’s not quite the same. I still love this workout though, the planks are challenging and I feel strong after.

Day 3 – Lower Fix: Squats, lunges, calf raises. It hurts so good! I really like “leg day” because it’s a bigger muscle group which means more calories burned. I feel like I accomplish a lot on these days.

Day 4 – Pilates Fix: My first week, my body hurt so much from Total Body Fix and Lower Fix. I could barely move, even after all the hot epsom salt baths. I had never done pilates before this, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I LOVE IT. It’s a lot of stretching, and my body felt amazing after. No more muscle soreness. The workout was still tough and I could really feel my booty burn on the workouts at the end.

Day 5 – Cardio Fix: I like every single workout in this one, except the burpees. I have a tough time with them, but I’m getting stronger.

Day 6 – Dirty 30: I like this one, a lot. It’s more strength training that works your whole body. Renegade rows, squats and lateral raises and alternating side lunches are all included in this workout.

Day 7 – Yoga Fix: I do not like yoga. I don’t feel like I”m getting a workout with it, however I have been thinking a lot of incorporating it into my routines. I think, mentally, it would be a good thing. Day 7 is Yoga day with the 21 Day Fix, and I’m really enjoying it. It feels good to stretch out my muscles and have a little bit of quiet.

Sun Salutations with Bunny Yoga! I love these little guys, they're too cute.

I really like the variety, I have done programs in the past where you repeat the same workout every day and it’s awful. I get bored and quit before the first week is up. I need the change-up to keep interested.

21 Day Fix Results Week 2

This was a tough week. My husband came home from being away from home for a week and brought home pizza and wine. I indulged more then I should have. The next day, I had some Mini Eggs (my favorite and they only come out once a year). Yesterday was Easter Sunday, I had a bit of unplanned chocolate as well (not as much as I usually would have but still a little too much). It bugs me a little bit that I did that, but that’s life. So with that in mind here are my stats for the week:

  • 1.2 pound weight gain.
  • 3/4″ lost.
  • Total weight lost: 1 lb.
  • Total inches lost: 4.5″ (Beachbody measurements). I have also measured around my belly and I have lost another 2″ there.

I’m pretty happy with that! I have not missed one workout, and that is a victory in itself. I usually miss one, and I have pushed through. That is something to celebrate.

Champions are made from something deep inside them. Motivational Quotes related to fitness, nurtition, financial and business. Read about the 21 Day Fix workout on The Bewitchin' Kitchen.

21 Day Fix Week By Week

Week 1 

Week 3 + Results

21 Day Fix Extreme Results + FREE MEAL PLAN

Purchase 21 Day Fix

21 Day Fix Essential Package

21 Day Fix Ultimate Package

21 Day Fix Extreme Essential Package

21 Day Fix Extreme Ultimate Package

All 21 Day Fix Challenge Packs

Disclosure: I am an Independent Beachbody Coach and I do receive a commission of 25%. If you would like to receive a 25% discount and make health and fitness YOUR business drop me an email: randaderkson @ gmail(.)com

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2 comments on “21 Day Fix Results Week 2”

  1. Pingback: 21 Day Fix Results & Week 3 Review - The Bewitchin' Kitchen

  2. This really answered my problem, thank you!

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