My Smudge Proof Kitchen Makes Entertaining Easy #testdrivemoms
I’m the kind of person where my mood reflects my surroundings. If I’m surrounded by a mess, I’m not in the best mood (that’s putting it very politely, just ask my husband). Thankfully I have a Smudge Proof Kitchen and maintaining a clean workspace in my kitchen is a breeze.
This past Saturday I planned a little BBQ. When it was originally planned, the forecast seemed promising. All day the clouds were threatening and it raining a little bit here and there. When it came down to dinner, it started to pour. It wasn’t a little sprinkle either, it was so heavy that I was concerned about my skylights.
Not the best time for a BBQ.
Yes, I know – still no hardware. You’ll be happy to know that on Sunday I finally found cup pulls for the drawers but I’m still search for the cabinets.
So we moved dinner inside, and I was completely okay with that. I had a busy week; there were a lot of blog changes, blog posts, and a few other things in my Beachbody business I had to take care of which means that my house cleaning got put off. Before the BBQ, I did a quick tidy but I didn’t go all out on a full scale clean. There just wasn’t time.
It’s not difficult to keep my kitchen clean, as long as the clutter is removed and dishes are in the dishwasher it looks clean. Just a quick wipe down on the counter-top and it sparkles, and I never have to polish my appliances. My Frigidaire Gallery French Door Fridge has Smudge Proof Technology, which is great when I have a toddler who loves to get in the freezer for frozen yogurt tubes! I never have to worry about finger prints.
In spite of the rain, we were able to enjoy a delicious BBQ dinner or bacon-wrapped sirloin, grilled asparagus and mixed potatoes (yellow potato, purple potato and sweet potato) to celebrate summer. We paired our meal with a wine from one of our favorite Okanagan wineries. It was a great way to kick off the summer.
Disclosure: I am part of the Frigidaire Canada Ambassador program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
I wish I had a smudge proof kitchen like yours and I don’t like when it is messy around: it messes up with my mood
Messes with mine as well, I turn into a bear. I get overwhelmed very easily and clutter/mess puts it over the edge for me.
Your kitchen looks great! I would totally spend all my time in there entertaining too
Thanks Kim, there is something about entertaining in kitchens. I tend to flock to them when I’m a guest as well.
Wow! Your kitchen renovation turned out great Randa! It looks beautiful…especially with that new fridge in the corner! And anything that makes a busy mom’s cleaning job easier is #1 in my books! Your kitchen looks so clean and bright with no fingerprints on the fridge whatsoever! Awesome!
Thank you so much Angie. I agree, us busy moms need as many shortcuts as possible.
Wow you have a lovely kitchen Randa! We had a BBQ on the weekend as well, but thankfully it did not get rained out. My kitchen does not look like yours and no amount of elbow grease will cahnge that, LOL
Thank you Suzanne 🙂 We BBQ all the time, I love it – it’s a great way to not heat up my kitchen (I don’t have AC and it gets hot in the summer).
Your Smudge Proof Kitchen is so beautiful! Would love to have a Frigidaire!
Thank you 🙂 I love my Kitchen, and I’ll love it more once I get some hardware up.
Nice kitchen & I would love a smudge proof fridge. My kids are constantly in and out of the fridge. That would help with keeping things looking good.
Thank you and I really like my fridge. I will be sad to put the house up for sale next year (although, I guess I could still take my fridge).
Love your kitchen and your appliances are beautiful. I need some new ones. I am reading these to figure out which ones to buy.
Thank you so much Paula! Don’t hesitate to shoot me a message if you have any questions. I used to sell appliances so I have some knowledge on what’s good/bad.