Academy of Culinary Nutrition Review from a Recent Graduate

Nutrition has always been a passion of mine. I eat up (the pun is so intended) all the knowledge I can, from far fetched woo that makes me roll my eyes the to evidence-based facts. I recently graduated (with honors, a not so humble brag) from the Academy of Culinary Nutrition and wanted to give my thoughts on the Culinary Nutrition Expert Program.

academy of culinary nutrition review

Academy of Culinary Nutrition

Disclosure: This is NOT sponsored, I am writing it because I wish I saw more reviews online when I was looking into the program. However, this post contains affiliate links for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

A few years ago I enrolled and did 22 months of schooling with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. I wanted to take my passion of nutrition and health and go up a level to be a R.H.N (registered holistic nutritionist). I quit before my exams.

I quit because I got 86% on my case studies and I felt like a total failure.

In my fragile, perfection based, mind anything below 96% was a failure. I got in my own head, found more excuses and quit.

The funny thing is I was perfectly content with that decision, until last year. I was feeling the regret constantly, and then I saw that the Academy of Culinary Nutrition was opening and I didn’t even think twice. I enrolled immediately, knowing full well that this was the direction I needed to go.

Everywhere in my business has kept coming back to further my education in nutrition.

What is the Culinary Nutrition Expert Program?

ingredients for homemade almond milk

© Randa Derkson |

If you’re looking for a professional certification that teaches nutrition through hands-on experiences, the CNE program is right up your alley. It’s the online cooking school that offers certification in culinary nutrition.

I am so proud to say that I am one of 1800 experts located in 57 countries.

“The Culinary Nutrition Expert Program is an in-depth professional certification program in culinary nutrition that offers both practical, everyday, natural cooking skills as well as a deeper exploration into the therapeutic properties of the foods we eat and how we prepare them. This program can enhance prior training in natural health, or serve as your first introduction to the field. ” –  ACN website.

The Culinary Nutrition Expert program is taught by Meghan Telpner, nutritionist and bestselling author of UnDiet and The UnDiet Cookbook.

Meghan walks you through culinary nutrition from the basics (learning how to use a knife properly) to sharing how to create a custom meal plan for clients.

Each week you are building on your skills both in the kitchen and academically.

I love how hands on this course was.

Academy of Culinary Nutrition Certification Levels


As an honorary student, you will receive all the education materials (online modules, guides, interviews) along with access to the private Facebook group. You do not have to submit assignments, nor will you get feedback on them.

This is for personal interest and educating yourself. You will not receive a certificate or be listed as a graduate.


Certified students will have a program coach, and will have to submit assignments.  Upon graduation, you will be listed as an expert on the ACN website.

As a Certified-level graduate, you are eligible to become an Academy of Culinary Nutrition Certified Instructor and access our Certified Instructor Portal.

Certified Professional

Certified Professionals get all of the above and also access to the six week Biz Rocking Insider Course put on in the new year by Meghan.

This is perfect for those looking to develop your business and putting your skills to work.

Certified Deluxe

This is the option I chose, go big or go home right? In this package, you receive everything above plus:

  • 8 done for you cooking class packages.
  • 25 bonus tutorial videos to help you set up your business on topics including insurance, promotional strategies, pricing and more. These videos are designed to help you plan, promote, and execute your classes and workshops successfully.
  • 2 Certified Instructor Group Coaching sessions with Meghan
  • Complimentary extended access to Biz Rocking Insider Group
  • Signed copies of UnDiet and The UnDiet Cookbook – I didn’t get signed copies because I upgraded a few months after enrollment. Not a big deal at all but just an FYI.

TBK’s Pro Tip: If you are looking to add Culinary Nutrition to your business or work in the health/fitness field. I highly recommend the ceritified deluxe program. Yes, it costs a bit more but you get so much out of it and hey – it’s a write off.

Academy of Culinary Nutrition Review

What I liked about the CNE Program:

Aside from learning valuable skills, like organizing my kitchen and learning how to properly cut an onion (yeah hi, I’m a “professional” food blogger and I didn’t know how to fine dice until a few months ago).

  • Deadlines. I liked that I had due dates for my exams, recipe assignments, and written assignments. It kept me accountable.
  • Program Coach. Every student is assigned a program coach. I kept in close contact with my coach, Suzy, and I like to think I made a friend. I asked for help when I needed it (which is huge for me) and she helped me through some mental blocks.
  • Video Modules. I have a tough time retaining knowledge just by reading, I need to hear, observe, see examples.
  • I learned how to research. This was such a valuable lesson. I learned how to research topics, where to research, and what to look for in health studies.
  • Trying new things. I tried many new foods during my 14 weeks. Some I loved (hello capers), some I could do without (I’m looking at you seaweed).
  • It’s laid back. The CNE program is laid back, but yet professional. I never felt nervous, I felt welcome.

Homemade applesauce on a cutting board with granny smith apples

What I didn’t love so much about the CNE Program.

  • Home study reading. You are given a few months to do a home study. This home study requires you to read 3 books and watch 3 documentaries and write a report. The documentaries were easy, the reading not so much. I opted to use a free trial of Audible and listen to the audio books while I drive. They were so dry. That’s my only complaint is that the two required readings were so dry and boring that my mind was going elsewhere. The book I chose (A Mind of Her Own by Kelly Brogan).
  • The workshop. The last big project is hosting a workshop. I wanted to do an online workshop that I could record and later repurpose as a product but it had to be in person. As someone who has a strictly online business, this was a challenge. I ended up invited a few friends over and I did it. It felt good to overcome my fears and get it done, but it wasn’t my favorite part of the program.

That is it, everything else was great. The workload is intensive but you get out of it what you put in. I went and read all the extra “bonus” reading under all the modules, did a bunch of research outside of the course and became fully engulfed in the Academy of Culinary Nutrition.

You Can Do This

culinary nutrition expert

If your gut is telling you to go with it, do it!

I’m so glad I listened to mine.

Yes, it’s tough but it is doable. Trust me, I did this with a 4-month-old infant while working full time on The Bewitchin’ Kitchen (well, maybe a little over part-time).  I’m a mom, I work, I get it.

The house cleaning may have to suffer for a few weeks, but it will be worth it 🤣

Now I’m a Culinary Nutrition Expert and pushing my business in a new direction offering a membership club, a meal planning subscription, and custom meal plans.

I couldn’t be more excited!

So do I think it’s worth it? YES!

Not only is this giving me the jumpstart for my business, it’s also helped with my health and post partum recovery. Even if you have knowledge in the nutrition field already, I promise you will learn something.

Click here to learn more about the Academy of Culinary Nutrition.

Culinary Nutrition Approved Recipes here on TBK.

The Culinary Nutrition Expert Program

2 comments on “Academy of Culinary Nutrition Review from a Recent Graduate”

  1. The course looks great but I am curious – how intensive is the workshop that you had to host. Is it just short or for several hours or longer?

    • The workshop itself wasn’t intense, it was more about me getting out of my own head and comfort zone and doing it. I think mine lasted about two hours. I made sure to have most things prepped and ready to go ahead of time.

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