Calories Burned Doing Hammer and Chisel

Are you wondering how many calories are burned doing hammer and chisel workouts? You’re in luck, I recorded what I burned!

This blog tells you how many calories are burned doing The Master's Hammer and Chisel. She uses a heart rate monitor to calculate it. Hammer is Chisel is a Beachbody program from the trainers Sagi Kalev (Body Beast) and Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme).

I used to always Google a calorie burn idea on the programs I did. Now that I have a heart rate monitor, I like to record it on my blog as a resource for others. Here are my calories burned doing Hammer and Chisel. Don’t forget to check out the other programs on the post: how many calories are burned doing Beachbody programs.

This blog tells you how many calories are burned doing The Master's Hammer and Chisel. She uses a heart rate monitor to calculate it. Hammer is Chisel is a Beachbody program from the trainers Sagi Kalev (Body Beast) and Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme).

First Things First:

Everyone will burn calories differently. We all have different bodies, heights, and weights. No one’s bodies will run the same.

I used a Polar Ft4 heart rate monitor (Canadians you can find it here) to calculate my burn. I highly recommend this heart rate monitor. Although tools like the Fuel Band, FitBit and Jawbone are great motivators they’re not that accurate for reading your actual caloric burn.

This blog tells you how many calories are burned doing The Master's Hammer and Chisel. She uses a heart rate monitor to calculate it. Hammer is Chisel is a Beachbody program from the trainers Sagi Kalev (Body Beast) and Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme).

My Stats:

Height: 5’3 (well if you want to be accurate – 5’2 3/4).

Weight: Ranged from 148 -143 while I tracked.

Note: A few moves were modified (chin ups, push ups).

Want an easier way to do the Hammer and Chisel workout, plus the rest of the Beachbody programs? Check out why I love Beachbody on Demand.

This blog tells you how many calories are burned doing The Master's Hammer and Chisel. She uses a heart rate monitor to calculate it. Hammer is Chisel is a Beachbody program from the trainers Sagi Kalev (Body Beast) and Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme).

Calories Burned Doing Hammer and Chisel:

Chisel Workouts:

Chisel Balance: 310 calories

ISO-Strength Chisel: 238 calories

Chisel Endurance: 256 calories (note: my HRM quit for a workout before I noticed, I estimed a 5 calorie burn for that minute as it was a smaller workout)

Chisel Cardio: 296 calories

Chisel Agility: 365 calories

10 Minute Ab Chisel: 68 calories

Total Body Chisel: 245 calories

The Masters Cardio: – I haven’t done yet as I don’t have my DVD player anymore (I have been using Beachbody On Demand).

Hammer Workouts:

Hammer Plyometrics: 238 calories

ISO Speed Hammer: 153 calories

Max Hammer Strength: 229 calories

Total Body Hammer: 317 calories

10 min Ab Hammer: 56 calories

Hammer Power: 309 calories

Hammer Conditioning: 280 calories

That’s how many calories burned doing Hammer and Chisel! 

If you’re already doing Hammer and Chisel, I hope this helped you. If you’re interested in starting, your options are below.

Options for purchasing The Master’s Hammer and Chisel:

  1. Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology—the superfood protein shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings, and accelerate your fitness results—delivered on Home Direct, the monthly auto ship program.
  2. Hammer and Chisel Base Kit
  3. A FREE 30-day VIP trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club, now with Beachbody on Demand, where you can stream Hammer and Chisel whenever and wherever you want and find the support you’ll need to complete your Challenge AND other proven Beachbody workouts as part of your 30-Day VIP trial!
  4. Plus Super Discount shipping (and SAVE OVER $12) every month.

Disclosure: I am an Independent Beachbody Coach. I do make a commission off the sale, but this is also a product that I spend my own money on. I have been a Coach for years now and I love this company 🙂

This blog tells you calories burned doing hammer and chisel. She uses a heart rate monitor to calculate it. Hammer is Chisel is a Beachbody program from the trainers Sagi Kalev (Body Beast) and Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme).

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