Income Report Recap for The Last Few Months
It’s been a while since I wrote an income report (I haven’t updated since June), and I have received a few emails on an update so here we are. I decided to write an income report recap.
You’ll have to overlook my lack of consistency. Running The Bewitchin’ Kitchen, co-running Click Start Club (and the Click Start Club Build a Blog Facebook Group – feel free to join), and now Lazy Girls Eat Healthy, is a lot of work. I had to delegate and let a few things go, the income reports being one of them.
In the future, I will do my best to update but I may have to skip a month or two here and there (especially with a baby on the way).
Income Report Recap
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.
See all past income reports, also check out the inspirational blogger income reports I wrote for Click Start Club.
Blog services that I’ve paid for and that I couldn’t live without or have made a difference:
Tailwind, Buffer, Dominate The Search Engines with Webmaster Tools, Food Blogger Pro, Tasty Pins, ConvertKit, Nutrifox.
Here’s a quick recap of what happened during the months between June and February.
This won’t have the usual breakdown of where the income and expenses come from, but I’ll do my best to get February’s up.
July 2017
- Page views: 253,520
- Sessions: 201,068
- Total Income: $6044.19
- Total Expenses: $2248.66
August 2017
- Page views: 251,926
- Sessions: 196,905
- Total Income: $4916.28
- Total Expenses: $5796.30 (I invested in the Canon 6D
and two lenses, big investment but oh-so-worth-it).
September 2017
- Page views: 269,575
- Sessions: 209,923
- Total Income: $6200.56
- Total Expenses: $2273.53
October 2017
- Page views:Â 367,564
- Sessions: 295,106
- Total Income: $6558.23
- Total Expenses: $3271.19
November 2017
- Page views:Â 253,520
- Sessions:Â 201,068
- Total Income: $7337.34
- Total Expenses: $2362.40
December 2017
- Page views: 335,523
- Sessions: 266,627
- Total Income: $6457.64
- Total Expenses: $2831.96
January 2018
- Page views: 457,706
- Sessions: 373,630
- Total Income: $11,495.12
- Total Expenses: $2086.23
My plan for 2018
I don’t have a crazy plan for 2018, I actually plan on doing less. Which means I’ll be making less money.
- With a baby due in June, I’m okay with that. I need to take care of me during the pregnancy and put myself first after she arrives.
- I’ve been re-evaluating my expenses, and tracking to see what services I hire out are worth the investment. There have been cuts.
- I begin school in the fall (Culinary Nutrition), which means my Q4 will have to take the back seat, which will mean fewer earnings as well.
- Focusing on quality content, not quantity.
- Putting more effort into affiliate marketing within my posts.
- Updating old posts with new photos, fixing SEO, and implementing the Tasty Pins plugin.
- Work on the Lazy Girls Eat Healthy Beta Test Group and launch the membership in the fall.
- Update Click Start Club Editing in Photoshop and Video Master School.