Jake and The Neverland Pirates Cake

Jake and The Neverland Pirates Birthday Cake for toddler boys cake ideas from The Bewitchin' Kitchen

This year for my son’s second birthday I decided that I was going to make a Jake and The Neverland Pirates cake. I wanted something that wouldn’t leave me in a pile of cake with tears, but still wanted it to be eye appealing and something I could be proud of.


Update: I lost all my images as I merged blogs, so please be patient as I update this and a few other posts.

Jake and The Neverland Pirates Birthday Cake for toddler boys cake

Source: Pinterest (I can’t find the original post)

The Jake and The Neverland Pirates cake above was the original cake I was inspired by. I was all fired up to do it and then I realized something, there was no way I was going to make  the map, the treasure chest and the face without tears. It just wasn’t going to happen. I learned last year while making a Vancouver Canucks cake that I don’t like cake decorating, so I decided to move on.

Then I came across this cake. Now this was something I could do! Easy decorating and it uses figurines. Perfect.

Two days before Carter’s birthday I got to work. For the bottom layer I used this vanilla cake recipe and doubled it. This cake recipe claims to be the ultimate recipe for cupcakes (over fifty bakers tested it out) and I agree. I used two vanilla beans and FOUR tablespoons of vanilla extract and it tasted delicious. It made a lot of cake, two 10β€³ pans for the bottom tier. For the top tier I used My Baking Addictions’s Black Magic cake recipe. Very moist, and very fudgey. I’m happy I used that as the top tier as the vanilla cake was heavier so I wouldn’t think the moist, Black Magic cake would hold up the weight if the tiers were reversed.

Once the cakes were completely cool, I wrapped them up with a few layers of saran wrap and stuck them in the fridge. The next day is when I started to decorate.

I made two and a half batches of my favorite buttercream recipe, but I left out the white chocolate. I added a little bit more powdered sugar to get to the consistency that I desired.

I did a crumb coat and then added a thick layer on top of that. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of fondant so I wanted to make sure there was lots of buttercream underneath.

I was having a lot of frustration with the fondant overlapping, so I stretched it the best I could and smoothed it out with a spoon (my fondant smoother wasn’t with me). I was planning on covering the bottom anyway. It wasn’t perfect but it worked.I then used a Wilton Sugar Sheet

in the color red as the stripes. I made it stick with the buttercream. Note: I didn’t have time to make fondant, so I purchased two boxes of the Wilton kind.

While I was adding blue food coloring to the fondant for the top tier, I set the cake in the fridge. It was warm in the house and I wanted everything to set up nice.

I was able to make the β€œsigns” look dirty by kneading it in cocoa powder after coloring it with brown food coloring. I used another Wilton Sugar Sheet (this time in black) to trim the second tier. The bottom trim was rolled black fondant.

I took some wooden skewers and cut out a few sails from plain white printer paper, those made the sails. I bought chocolate coins for the β€œgold doubloons” and used character figurines (you can purchase them here

). Finally, I went around the edge of the brown β€œsigns” with a brown food gel.

All in all it was pretty easy. However, I would like to thank Kristen from My 3 Little Kittens for all the advice she gave me.

Jake and The Neverland Pirates Birthday Cake for toddler boys cake ideas from The Bewitchin' Kitchen

Looking for moe ideas? Check out these Birthday Cake Ideas for Boys from Stephanie at Spaceships and Laserbeams! She always has the best party inspiration.

29 comments on β€œJake and The Neverland Pirates Cake”

  1. That is totally cool! I absolutely love, so would my son whose 8. I think it’s neat you showed us anyone could do this, following your steps. WTG mama!

  2. You did a great job!! I love how you incorporated many different colours and layers. It is very appealing to the eye! Your son is a very lucky two year old!

  3. Wow! You did an amazing job. I’m sure your son just loved it. I don’t even know how to bake a cake let alone decorate one, so I’m at awe. Thanks for sharing and showing me that it is possible! Happy Birthday Carter πŸ™‚

  4. What a beautiful cake! Almost too pretty to eat. I love how this turned out. You should be very proud of this. Looks amazing.

  5. You did am amazing job on this! I have never been a fan of the taste of fondant but it really does do a beautiful look

    • I’m with you Kim, not a huge fan on the taste of fondant (but I love the look). I did a hefty layer of buttercream underneath to make up for it πŸ™‚

  6. Oh my goodness…I’m in tears just thinking about how hard it would be to attempt that cake. Bravo Randa!! Super job!

  7. Omigosh! I am in awe of your cake decorating skills – mine always look like I’ve dropped the cake! lol

    Amazing skills!

  8. that turned out great!!

  9. Wow, you are a talented cake decorator! I do miss making fun cakes for my son now that he’s all grown up, but I can’t say they were ever that good!

  10. That is impressive as all hell. WOW.

  11. For someone who doesn’t like cake decorating, you’re pretty awesome at it. I bow to you. I would have just been sitting in the corner crying eating handfuls of that delicious vanilla bean and black magic cake.

    • Your comment is my favorite Mara! HAHA. I really thought I would have done that, but with a bottle of wine haha. But magically, the cake turned out!

  12. I’ve often wished I could make cakes like this, more so when the kids were young. But nobody really eats much cake in our house so I didn’t have the desire to make a cake (even a regular one) that 1/2 of it would end up in the garbage. I think you are so talented!! I’ll bet you could have done the first one you showed, but I think the one you made is perfect.
    Debbie πŸ™‚

  13. Wow, what an amazing cake – I bet he was delighted! Well done Randa and I liked Maras comment too, tee hee hee!

  14. Wow, you did an incredible job! I truly hate decorating cakes, the thought makes me cranky before I even get started, and it shows in the end results :-/ I’ve never worked with fondant, and take my hat off to you for giving it a go. What an awesome job, and I bet there was one happy little guy, too! Way to go!!

  15. Pingback: A Giant Cupcake, An Attempt, and a Fail. - Everyday Domestic

  16. Pingback: Everything you need to host a perfect Pirate Party!

  17. Wow, that’s impressive! I know how much work goes into decorating cakes, my sister-in-law does that for a living and it blows my mind watching her. My boys are in their 20’s now and boy do I miss those fun toddler birthday celebrations!

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