21 day fix results

21 Day Fix Results Week 2

I just completed my second week of the 21 Day Fix. It was a really tough week, and I was worried that my 21 Day Fix results would be compromised. Here’s what happened and...

Southwest Sirloin Chili

Southwest Sirloin Chili

My recipe for Southwest Sirloin Chili happened completely by accident. However, I’m really happy that it happened as I created a familiar recipe with all new flavor.  

21 Day Fix Week 1 Results

21 Day Fix – Week 1 Results

It’s Monday, which means I have officially completed my first week of The 21 Day Fix. Here are my thoughts, feelings and (more importantly) what I ate. Don’t forget to check out the Ultimate 21...

21 Day Fix – What Is It?

21 Day Fix – What Is It?

The 21 Day Fix program is a popular fitness and nutrition program created by Beachbody. It is designed to help individuals achieve their fitness and weight loss goals in just 21 days. The program...

Mashed Potato Poppers

Mashed Potato Poppers

My husband came up with mashed potato poppers when I was having one of those nights where I just did not want to cook. (We all have those nights, and it’s always nice to...

Coconut Peanut Butter & Other Fabulous Finds

Coconut Peanut Butter & Other Fabulous Finds

Coconut Peanut Butter, give it a few seconds and let this sink in. The Healthy Shopper has come out with their 2014 picks. Don’t forget to give them a “Like” On Facebook.

Toddler Birthday Party Ideas from The Bewitchin' Kitchen

Toddler Birthday Party Ideas

  A few weeks ago my son celebrated his second birthday (two years, seriously where did the time go?). Having a toddler birthday party was easy, and aside from the cake – didn’t take...

Repair Your Hair With The Pro Naturals System

Repair Your Hair With The Pro Naturals System

Healthy, strong and shiny hair, I haven’t had that in such a long time. Due to no thyroid and taking the drug Synthroid, my hair is a whacked-out, frizzy mess. I started using the...

Saving Mr. Banks Now Available On Blu Ray

Saving Mr. Banks Now Available On Blu Ray

When I first heard about Saving Mr. Banks a few months ago, I knew I had to see it. Seeing it in the theatre was out of the question, so I waited until it...

How to make a framed chalkboard with on a low budget. This DIY uses Country Chic Paint chalk based paint in Simplicity and natural beeswax. Easy chalk paint craft that pulls together any room | The Bewitchin' Kitchen

DIY Framed Chalkboard

This DIY Framed Chalkboard is an easy, cute DIY craft to use as home decor or give as a DIY gift. Use your DIY chalkboard to list out your weekly dinner menu, leave messages...

Jake and The Neverland Pirates Birthday Cake for toddler boys cake ideas from The Bewitchin' Kitchen

Jake and The Neverland Pirates Cake

This year for my son’s second birthday I decided that I was going to make a Jake and The Neverland Pirates cake. I wanted something that wouldn’t leave me in a pile of cake...

Pineapple and Citrus Fruit Dip - a delicious summer dessert.

Pineapple & Citrus Fruit Dip

I love a good fruit dip! Whenever there is a fruit dip at a party, I am more inclined to eat more fruit. It’s delicious. So for my son’s second birthday, I wanted another...