Way Better Snacks

Way Better Snacks

I’m always looking for better snacks, healthier snacks to replace my constant cravings for chocolate, ice cream and salt. I snack at night, it’s something I have come to accept and try to make...

Is Your Child Picky about Food? Here’s how You Can Convince Him / Her to Eat

Is Your Child Picky about Food? Here’s how You Can Convince Him / Her to Eat

Is Your Child Picky about Food? Here’s how You Can Convince Him / Her to Eat   Healthy eating for children can be a challenge for some parents often faced with words like “I...

RBC RESP Saving For My Child’s Future #SaveWithRBC

RBC RESP Saving For My Child’s Future #SaveWithRBC

My son was only two months old when I first opened his RBC RESP account. It was one of the first things I got done once we got him home from the month long...

Stain Removal With Purex plus Oxi

Stain Removal With Purex plus Oxi

Doing dishes is my most hated household choice, but doing laundry isn’t far behind. Laundry itself is a monotonous task that actually takes some effort (heaven forbid I have to go downstairs). Then there...

Setting Up The Nursery: Newborn Nesting #SearsBabysRoom

Setting Up The Nursery: Newborn Nesting #SearsBabysRoom

One of the most memorable moments I had while preparing for Carter’s arrival was setting up the nursery. I was so excited (and maybe a little obsessive), everything had to be perfect. In the...

How To Clean Your Dishwasher With Finish Dishwasher Detergent #FinishTheDishes

How To Clean Your Dishwasher With Finish Dishwasher Detergent #FinishTheDishes

Do you clean your dishwasher? I’m going to take a wild guess here and assume that most of you don’t. If you think that way that I used to you’re probably thinking that the...

Shaun T’s T25 Review: Week 7

Shaun T’s T25 Review: Week 7

Read the previous reviews here: Week 1 Review  Week 2 Review Week 3 Review Week 4 Review Week 6 review T25 Results I just finished week 7 of Shaun T’s T25. What an awesome week...

Texas Turkey Spaghetti Squash Bake

Texas Turkey Spaghetti Squash Bake

In the last year I have discovered a wonderful new vegetable: spaghetti squash. I have made “spaghetti” with it many times, and it’s a great way to feel like I’m eating a high calorie/comfort...

Brother MFC-J430w Review

Brother MFC-J430w Review

It’s that time of year again, Back To School. If you’re anything like me, the end of summer sneaks up quickly and you suddenly feel unprepared for fall. Now, unlike most of you reading...

Focus T25 Review: Week 6

Focus T25 Review: Week 6

I didn’t post a Focus T25 review week 5. It was a great week, I was out of town and still managed to get in all of my workouts. However, I have explained these...

How To Organize Your Fridge Like A Pro

How To Organize A Fridge Like A Pro

Have you ever wondered how to organize a fridge in a way that will not only save you money but also your sanity? How to prevent your fruits and vegetables from going bad? I’m...

5 Ways to Improve Your Heart Health Now

5 Ways to Improve Your Heart Health Now

Improving your health begins with the small stuff. These seemingly insignificant changes ultimately lead to a more enjoyable, healthier and longer life. Whether you are young, old, single or married, don’t you want the...