Making Healthy Choices With Subway

Making Healthy Choices With Subway

It’s not always easy to make healthy choices when you’re away from home, especially when you’re in a hurry. It can be incredibly frustrating when someone like me (who is constantly striving for a...

Frigidaire Gallery French Door Refrigerator #testdrivemoms

Frigidaire Gallery French Door Refrigerator #testdrivemoms

  Last Friday was like Christmas for me. The anticipation all morning had me on edge, waiting for my package to arrive. Finally, after lunch my doorbell rang. It was here, my new Frigidaire...

Get Fit With Focus T25 – Join My Challenge Group

Get Fit With Focus T25 – Join My Challenge Group

I have been waiting for this fitness program for months now, ever since Beachbody started posting “teasers” on Facebook and YouTube. Focus T25 is the newest program created by Shaun T (creator of Insanity,...

White Chocolate Buttercream recipe - Looking for frosting recipes This makes for an amazing dessert - just try to save some for the cake andor cupcakes The Bewitchin' Kitchen

White Chocolate Buttercream

This White Chocolate Buttercream recipe is a family favorite, I’m excited to share it with you. 

Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Thank goodness for Pinterest. Am I right? Before Pinterest, I would have never of thought to use Cauliflower for a pizza crust. Actually, if I’m going to be honest here I would not have...

What makes a good dad great. Precious father and son moments.

What Makes a Good Dad GREAT

My husband and I have completely different styles of parenting. I’m high strung and stress out over every bump, bruise and scratch but I’m also not afraid of tough love. He’s more laid back...

SmileBrilliant Home Teeth Whitening System

SmileBrilliant Home Teeth Whitening System

  Nine more days until summer everyone! (Just in case you weren’t counting down with me.) I’m going to be honest, the summer girl inside me is a shallow/obsessive one. When I think of...

This asian beef kebabs recipe are a sweet twist on a savoury favorite. The steak skewers are easy to make and only take 12 minutes to BBQ.

Asian Beef Kebabs

We’re meat-o-saurs’s here in our household, there is usually only one night a week where we eat a meatless meal (if that). We tend to stick with chicken and turkey but usually on Fridays...

Toddler Chia Pudding

Toddler Chia Pudding

Over the last couple of weeks I have been trying to find a creative way to serve my son healthy options for snacks and breakfasts. I recently made him Healthy Toddler Muffins and those...

Healthy Toddler Muffins

Healthy Toddler Muffins

I’m fairly cautious when it comes to what I feed Carter. I have been trying my best to stay away from chemical laden and empty caloric snacks and to feed him whole, nutritious foods....

Renovating On A Budget – Your Guide to Smart Shopping

Renovating On A Budget – Your Guide to Smart Shopping

Like many Canadian families, ours is on a budget. Now that I’m a WAHM and not making as much as I used to I have had to cut down cut out frivolous spending completely....

The Healthy Shopper 2013

The Healthy Shopper 2013

It wasn’t long ago when I had the privilege to review and learn about The Healthy Shopper (don’t forget to read my 2012 review on The Healthier Shopper). The Healthy Shopper is a service...