Babymoon Oahu: Turtle Bay Resort

Babymoon Oahu: Turtle Bay Resort

  Yes, I’m finally getting down to blogging about my recent vacation to the beautiful island of Oahu. Our whole ten nights were spent at the breathtaking Turtle Bay Resort. Turtle Bay has been...

The Peaceful Housewife: Natural Cleaners eBook Review & Giveaway

The Peaceful Housewife: Natural Cleaners eBook Review & Giveaway

  Natural cleaning is important to me. When I purchase cleaners, I am always concerned on what the ingredients are made up of. With all the diseases and “cancer causing” agents these days, you...

Crowd Control – Thinking Tim Horton’s Needs To Listen

Crowd Control – Thinking Tim Horton’s Needs To Listen

Most Canadians will know what I’m about to rant about here. In the small town I live in in central Alberta we have one Tim Horton’s, unfortunately for me it shares a parking lot...

Natural Cleaning With Full Circle Home

Natural Cleaning With Full Circle Home

You know that simple scrub brush you have sitting near your kitchen sink? Yeah, that one. Well, it has a shelf life! Think about it, you probably don’t keep it for years on end,...

Karmin G3 Salon Pro Flat Iron

Karmin G3 Salon Pro Flat Iron

I reviewed a Karmin flat iron months ago and I still use it every day. It’s one of my favorite flat irons (I own a few). Not only is it light and easy to...

Problems With Chevrolet When Life Hands You Lemons

Problems With Chevrolet When Life Hands You Lemons

Back in December my husband and I decided we had enough of our not-so practical mustang and opted for a more family friendly vehicle. We needed something where if we went to the city...

Simple Green

Simple Green

These days, environmentally conscious companies are going “green.” At Simple Green®, we not only applaud them, we look forward to their company! That’s because for more than 30 years, Simple Green has been producing...

Roundabouts Cupcake Sleeves

Roundabouts Cupcake Sleeves

  With a song in our hearts, a prayer on our lips and a whole lot of frosting, we launched our company, Moon Cherie, Inc. and its revolutionary new product, Roundabouts® Cupcake Sleeves, in...

Chaos Simplified Womans Day Planner | 2011 Resolution Gift Guide

Chaos Simplified Womans Day Planner | 2011 Resolution Gift Guide

Maintaining organization is something that is very important and very hard for me to do. With working full time, running The Bewitchin’ Kitchen, running the house and everything else I need to do (doctors...

Baby Bond

Baby Bond

  BabyBond™ nursing accessories cover mom, not her baby. Mom is able to maintain her modesty. Baby remains uncovered benefiting from the infinite opportunity to make eye contact, interact, and communicate. After all, dining...

Sleep Huggers Review

Sleep Huggers Review

Sleep Huggers sleep sacks are specifically designed for the modern North American baby and toddler. For those whose parents know the difference quality products make. Who only want the best for their babies. People...

Lily Organics

Lily Organics

About Lily Organics Quality is Ingredients! There is nothing else in that little bottle that can actually improve your skin tone. Not the packaging, not the latest fad, and certainly not the 14 year...