Red Velvet Cinnamon Rolls

with cream cheese glaze

Creamy red velvet cinnamon rolls with cream cheese glaze recipe. Yummy brown sugar, cinnamon, and cream cheese make this a special treat for Christmas morning or a holiday party.

- Milk - Canola Oil - Sugar - Quick Rise Yeast - Red & Black Food Dye - Whole Wheat Flour - Cinnamon - Brown Sugar - Cream Cheese - Vanilla - Lemon Juice

Red Velvet Cinnamon Rolls Ingredients


Scald milk, oil and sugar, then let sit until it's lukewarm. Add vanilla and food dye, starting with the red. Add black for a deeper red.

Add the yeast, let it expand and then stir in the flour. Cover and allow to rise for an hour. Mix in remaining flour, baking powder baking soda and salt.

make dough

make rolls

Roll the dough out, mix melted butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon and spread over the dough. Then spread the cream cheese, roll and cut into 1” pieces.

Let rise in baking pan for 30 minutes, then bake for 20 minutes. Beat cream cheese glaze ingredients and immediately pour the glaze over the rolls.


ENJOY your red velvet cinnamon rolls

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